Dialogue Modeling

We assume that recommendations happen via a multi-turn conversation with an agent, which is initiated and terminated by the user. The agent keeps eliciting user preferences until (a) the result set is sufficiently small or (b) it has reached the maximum amount of questions it is allowed to ask (to avoid fatiguing the user). Then, the agent makes recommendations for specific items and elicits feedback on them, until the user finds an item to their liking (or terminates the process).

The figure below shows the dialogue flow in our system.



User intents


A detailed description is provided here.

Agent intents


Dialogue Act

User and agent utterances are modeled as DialogueActs, which are machine-understandable representations of the natural language text.

A dialogue act is mathematically represented as intent((slot_1, op_1, value_1), … (slot_n, op_n, value_n)), where intents are the recognized AgentIntents and UserIntents, and operators (=, !=, <, >, >=, <=) specify the relationship between for each slot and its corresponding value.

Information Need

The user’s preferences are represented as an information need (IN). The user can reveal their preferences at any stage in the conversation, which will trigger an update to the IN. Information needs are represented as slot-value pairs, and get their values assigned based on reveal intents. For example, if a user wants a “romance and comedy movie, starring Meryl Streep from the 90s,” the IN will be modeled as:

  genres = romance, comedy;
  actors = Meryl Streep;
  release year >= 1990 & < 2000

Note that some slots can be multi-valued (this is defined by a domain-specific ontology). Further, it may be that the system attempts to elicit preference for a slot that the user does not care about. Those responses are also registered, but they will not narrow the set of matching items.

If the number of items matching the information need exceeds a predefined threshold, the agent will attempt to elicit additional preferences (i.e., slot values for the IN). For example, if the user states a preference for action movies, the agent will follow this up with the following request: “There are almost 4700 action films. Please answer a few more questions to help me find a good movie…’’

Restarting a conversation will erase the current IN as well as the history of recommended items.