
The IAI MovieBot can run in the console and on Telegram. To run the MovieBot in the console you only need to install the necessary Python libraries and nltk resources. Additional installation steps are needed to run MovieBot on Telegram: install Telegram and set up a bot.

Python Libraries

Execute the following commands to install the necessary libraries for IAI MovieBot

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

nltk Resources

After installing the necessary libraries, you need to download nltk resources. To do so run the following code in a Python console.

import nltk'punkt')'wordnet')'stopwords')'omw-1.4')

Extra steps for Telegram

Telegram Bot Token

  • To use Telegram, one must install the Telegram application available here.

  • Click here for instructions about how to create a Telegram Bot.

  • Add the token of the new bot to the Telegram Bot Token file as BOT_TOKEN: <<token>>.

Conversation History folder

Create a folder named conversation_history. The conversational logs will be saved in this folder if allowed in the config file. These logs will be created when the IAI MovieBot is being executed on Telegram.